View Profile CrunchyOrphan

66 Movie Reviews

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Hm, I loved it

I really loved the animaiton. Especailly after he fires that gun and the flames kind of spiral out. And the whole sleepy way they try to kill each other ^^. Nice job...and don't get angry at people who leave bad reviews, us real reviewers have got your back, I'm pretty sure it's flagged as abusive by now. Ima go look at your other stuff now =)

Rutger responds:

Thanks dude! Glas you understand! ^^
Haha, I liked 'this way' of you too :')

hehe, At first I thought was gonna suck

At first, I thought this movie was jsut some weird voice acted frame story, but I found myself actually laughing pretty quickly. The plot was absurd, but tangible, and the ending was priceless. Your still drawings only added to the somewhat spontaneous, kitchy feel of the movie. Nice job, I really enjoyed it =)

Excellent artwork!

Excellent artwork. The sound worked ok, but I got the same thing for some people when I did a music video on here, that it was out of sync. How did you draw the water in the beginning, that was excellent. Did you use photoshop or something? Good cartoon, but I would suggest adding more of an explanation of what is going on. (with the weird cat creature n the goblin and greenthing m stuff) also, great job with the motion blurring....was that photoshop as well?

Sp1cy responds:

Oh my, thank you :)
Yea, the story is not the best, to be honest, I have no story.
Nothing is photshop, it's pure flash and drawn with mouse.
The water it's most frame by frame, hard to explain, just did my thing.
Thanks for the nice review.

Ahaha, sick

Lol, at the end, the shark left the message. I like your stuff because its deranged, but in a way that is supremely entertaining. People just vote low low on this because they don't understand it... not that a fecal-dwelling sewer carnivore is very profound...but you know what I mean...

MakoSucks responds:

Yeah I know what you mean. People thought I killed babies because I had a cartoon where a stick figure kills a baby stick figure. Judgmental bastards!


lol, I cracked up when the snowman shanked the guy. Not really somethign I would send :D but pretty funny nonetheless.

A good effort, even if the quality wasn't the best

You put some work into this, and I hope it passes. Of course, my main suggestion would be to work on your characters. One thing that I would suggest it to play around with the paintbrush feature in flash, it gives a very fluid look to things that you draw. That way, your character might not have those jagged edges. Keep working on your animation!

ranma-kun7 responds:

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip.

Age 39, Male


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